Riceless has been feeling a little down in the dumps lately. Is it because of Blue Monday? Or maybe there's a new moon hanging over Ricetown? Whatever it is they just don't seem themselves. All of the monsters in Ricetown Jungle have been scratching their brains trying to think of ways to cheer them up. They've tried everything! 

Ricebamboo has cooked Riceless their absolute favourite food - Noodles. Nothing changed. 

Ricecoco took them on a wild skateboard ride. Nothing changed.

Riceaahaah and Riceoohooh played an all-day game of Hide and Seek with them. Nothing changed.

Ricecharming the magic frog has even tried to put a happy spell on them. But still nothing changed!

"Maybe I'm just going to be sad forever" Said Riceless.

"I know something we haven't tried" Said Riceslow. And they reached out and gave Riceless the biggest, softest warmest hug they could.

"Thanks" Sniffed Riceslow. 

Here in Ricetown Jungle we've got a plan for beating the blues, it's hugs! Everyone is different and so it makes sense that different things cheer us up when we're down. What do you do when you're feeling not quite yourself? Share your ideas with us on Instagram.

If you're feeling a bit down like Riceless, the best thing you can do is talk to someone. A friend, a family member, or someone new. Try these links:

Every Mind MattersSamaritans or Young Minds

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