Ana, what are your resolutions?

I don't do New Year's Resolutions but I pick a word for the year. This year my word is health. I need to look after my health more. I love fried chicken, which I know there's nothing wrong with! If I ever got married I've always said I'd have it on the menu! I need to look after my back and my shoulders. 

What are you gonna do?

I'm swimming. Twice a week before work. I don't like exercise because I don't like sweating haha, and swimming is also great because it's low intensity but it works a ton of muscles at once. Luckily our working hours mean I can get up and go in the morning before we start, and the pool is close to my house so it's perfect.

I have a coffee and a handful of nuts before I go, take my bottle with me to the pool, and then on the way to work I have my overnight oats. Any recommendations for delicious, healthy, quick breakfast ideas are very much welcome - message us!

Are you gonna be strict? How are you tracking your goals?

Yes. At the moment I'm doing as many lengths as I can before 8:30. But I want to record it all a bit better. I'm thinking of getting a sport tracker / watch (Any tips on which ones are good? Let us know) to track what I do. It would also really help because without my glasses I can't see the clock on the wall! 

What's your tip for staying on track this Jan?

Tell people your goals. I’m telling as many people as I can. It’s such a good way of keeping on track, it’s like quitting smoking - the more people you tell the more likely you are to stick to it, because people ask you about it. It gives you responibility and a bit of pressure. In a good way!

Yiying, do you have goals this year?

I do. Be more healthy, play with my child more, grow the business. I should say snack less… but i don’t want to snack less!

How are you gonna stick to these goals, any tips?

I always set a lot. It’s hard to keep on track. I think I need to be very determined this year. Not give up. My advice is tell your kids your goals. If you tell your child to keep an eye on you they'll suddenly turn into the police. They love it. They don't care either, they'll really tell you off, which is great for sticking to tasks and goals.

Manolya. 2020 goals?

Okay my goals are: to practise the drums everyday, to do yoga every other day. And to snack less.

These are fun goals! Apart from the snacking less...

Yes. Drums will be fun. I do that lots already. But, yoga I think will be harder. I don’t really like exercise. Well, stretching I guess haha. Oh snacking is not happening just yet. Yoga yes, I’ve started that but snacking... not yet haha. (Noodoll HQ is always full of snacks - this one will be very hard)

How are you gonna stay on track?

With the power of stationery! I’ve got the MiGOALS planner, from our neighbours at Oxo Tower, Moxon. it has a section for tracking your goals which I really like. I like filling it in. It’s fun so it makes me want to do the stuff i need to do in order to fill it in.

Who is 2020 Fred?

Hmm. 2020 Fred is a whole new man. I’m gong produce more work to sell and I’m going stop late night snacking. Well less late night snacking. Late night cereal is my weakness.

How are you going to achieve these goals?

I am going to stop the late night cereal. I’m going to stop buying such delicious cereal I think. But, no that won’t even work because I love plain wheetabix. I need advice!  But as advice to others I would say... listen to the OTHER voice in your head. What’s that guy saying? Oh and willpower. The usual.

Lucy, what are your goals?

I want to try and take more time to do nothing, or to just and think and reflect. I'm one of those people who is constantly rushing around and I think it's probably a killer on my soul. I'm gonna try and take one hour a week to just be still and let my mind wind down a bit. This is a dream goal though, I will probably feel the need to fill that hour with something else to rush around and do haha. Also this might help with my other goal which is to try and remember more things. There isn't a morning where I'm not running back to the house after forgetting something. Or coming home and realising I've locked my keys inside. It's been happening all my 25 years and it's getting a bit annoying now.

How are you going to stick to your goals?

I've downloaded an app, Reflectly, which I've heard is good for reflection. But I'm not sure how that will work, I'm a bit of a grandma when it comes to technology. Perhaps writing into a cute bookwill work better. I'll keep you posted.

Do you have any tips to other people?

Hmm... Set reaslitc goals. Because the pressure of trying to reaching crazy goals isn't gonna benefit you. And set positive goals. Make it about positive growth rather than about changing something you dislike about yourself. That's gonna be much more of a healthy journey.

Keep checking back for updates and more interviews coming real soon x

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