Download the template here and follow the instructions below to make your own Ricemonster spacecraft!

Step 1: For this DIY project you will need: the templates printed on nice white paper, a pair of scissors, some glue and two empty toilet paper roles (one whole and one cut in half).

Step 2: Start by cutting out the the spacecraft shape carefully along the edges.

Step 3: Cut out the box in the middle of the template along the white dotted lines.

Step 4: Now, place your template on the large toilet paper role. While you hold it in place, trace the rectangle on the toilet paper role.

Step 5: Remove the template and cut out the space that you traced on the toilet paper role.

Step 6: Apply glue to the template and stick in onto the toilet paper role.

Step 7: Now you can fold in the top and bottom pads and glue them to close the spaceship.

Step 8: Cut out the wings of the spaceship around the edges. Make sure you keep the white space inbetween each wing.

Step 9: Apply glue to the white space.

Step 10: Glue the wings on the bottom of your toilet paper roll as shown in the image.

Step 11: Now glue the Ricemon template to the toilet paper role that is cut in half.

Step 12: You are done, you can place Ricemon in the spacecraft and go on an adventure together!

We hope that you enjoyed making this DIY Spacecraft. We love to see your take on our DIY projects, so please share them with us by tagging your images #noodoll on Instagram or Facebook!