Their play will star Ricecharming as the Frog Prince, Ricebambee as the Princess and, Ricebamboo as the King, Ricecoal as the witch and Ricecrackeras the Prince. We have created a printable template so you can create your own puppet theatre to join in on the fun!

A puppet theatre is such a fun way to play! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a puppet theatre from our free printable and the matching paper puppets. The Frog Prince is the story of  a spoilt princess who reluctantly befriends a frog after dropping her gold ball in a well. He magically turns into a prince when she kisses him to say thank you for getting her beloved golden ball. You can find the full short story of the Frog Prince here to inspire your screen play. You can also make your story up using the characters! Download the template here and follow the instructions below to make your own Ricetown paper theatre! Step 1: For this DIY project, you will need the templates printed on thick white paper, some strips of cardboard (you can use thick coloured paper or paint the cardboard a nice colour), a pair of scissors and some tape.

Step 2: Start by carefully cutting our the paper theatre and the puppets from the template.

Step 3: Using a bit of tape, attach a strip of cardboard to the back of each puppet.

Step 4: Your paper puppets are ready.

Step 5: Cut out the window of the theatre.

Step 6: Fold in each side of the theatre along the dotted lines to make it stand up. Now you can put on  our very own play!

Tip: Why not make a few extra characters of your own to add to the story?

We hope that you enjoyed making this DIY Ricetown Puppet Theatre. We love to see your take on our DIY projects, so please share them with us by tagging your images #noodoll on Instagram or Facebook!