Choose one of these Ricemonsters or make them both to add a touch a fun to your table decoration. We hope you enjoy your holiday celebrations!</p> Download your free templates here and follow the simple steps below to make your own DIY paper napkin rings! Step 1: For this DIY project you will need; your template printed on thick white paper (print how many you need for you table), and a pair of scissors.

Step 2: Start by cutting out each template by carefully following along the edges of the characters.

Step 3: Then, cut along the dotted line on each end of the template to create a slot in the character.

Step 4: Now, all you need to do is slot each end together.

Step 5: Repeate these steps for each napking ring that you would like to make.

Step 6: put your napkins rolled up inside the rings and decorate your table! We hope you have a happy Christmas day!

We hope that you enjoyed making these DIY paper napkin rings. Let us know if you come up with any other fun decorations for your table on Christmas day! Don’t forget to share your DIY projects with us by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook with #noodoll