Here are our top 10 things to do with your little friend: So what will you choose to do with yours? Everyone knows Ricebamboo makes a perfect page-holder, but you can pop them almost anywhere and to add an instant dose of cute-ness! Tape a cocktail stick to the back to create a cake-topper! Mmmm... They also fit snuggly over the side of most mugs - and Ricebamboo would be more than happy to hold on to your teabags for you whilst they brew. They make super cute decorations too - pop your Ricebamboo bookmark in a houseplant, poking out of your shirt pocket, inside your phone case, or use them as a sweet hair accessory! Why not use them as a memo-holder? Tape Ricebamboo somewhere handy and you can slip little notes inside their paws! And, when you're all done, re-gift them to spread the Noodoll love. You can easily make a new card home and slot your bookmark character in - it's bound to make someone's day! Check out our website to browse the whole range of Bookmark Cards - there's a load to choose from! We love hearing your ideas, especially with DIY projects like these! What do you do with your bookmark character? Email us or drop us a message on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter to let us know!