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Hello, my name is Ricetache, I am the artist in residence at the Ricetown Gallery. I am a mouse who likes painting, poetry and anything to do with art! Do you like to paint or draw? I'd be happy to take a look at your work.

Favourite thing: Colours
Dislike: Art critics
Can't live without: Making art

Ricetache is the third and final member of the moustache group. Their moustache is very proper, but can sometimes have paint in it!

Ricetache loves to paint with all the colours of the Ricebow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Ricetache has an exhibition of all their art in the Ricetown gallery, their favourite piece is the elephant they painted with long legs!

Ricetache loves food almost as much as they love painting, if they weren't an artist they would be a chef.

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