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I’m Ricepuffy, I have just found the perfect place for a fluffy Ricemonster to nap in Ricetown Icy Park, so now that I’m all warm and cosy it’s time for me to rest. Goodnight, sleep tight! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Favourite thing: Being cosy
Dislike: Alarm clocks
Can't live without: Napping

Ricepuffy is the sleepiest Ricemonster in Ricetown Icy Park.

Ricepuffy loves to wear the woolly hat Ricecube knitted for them, it makes them feel nice and cosy.

They are always looking for the perfect place to take a nap, even during the day!

Sleigh rides make Ricepuffy sleepy, sometimes they even fall asleep and start to snore!

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