
Ahoy there mateys! The name's Ricehaddock, I'm the one and only pirate in Ricetown Beach. I have been on many adventures across the Ricesea, but I love treasure hunts the best!
Favourite thing: Treasure hunts
Dislike: Shipwrecks
Can't live without: My ship
Favourite thing: Treasure hunts
Dislike: Shipwrecks
Can't live without: My ship

Ricehaddock has their own desert island, where they keep all their treasures.

Ricehaddock's ship is very special, it has wheels which means it can drive on land and sail in the water.

Ricehaddock is Captain of their ship the Ricepearl. The only other crew member is Riceananas.

Ricehaddock is learning to swim to spend more time with Ricebombshell, the mermonster.