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Hello, I’m Ricebombshell, down here at Ricebeach the world is my oyster. All my Ricemonster friends say I’m the bubbliest mermonster they know. I love to make them all gifts using things I find in the Ricesea.

Favourite thing: Smiling
Dislikes: Plastic that fills Ricesea
Can't live without: My Shell-Phone

Ricebombshell loves their shell-phone. It's water-proof which makes it perfect for taking fun under-water photos.

Ricebombshell likes to clean all the plastic from the Ricesea with their best friend Ricesplash.

Ricehaddock gives Ricebombshell amazing treasures they find on their pirate adventures.

Ricebombshell is a very gifted singer, they sing beautiful melodies that can be heard far and wide across Ricetown.

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