Download your free template here and follow the simple steps below to make your own DIY Ricemon Pinata!

Step 1: To create this DIY pinata, you will need a large sheet of cardboard, your template printed on a thick white sheet of paper, some black tissue paper, a pair of scissor, a glue stick, a roll roll of tape and some string.

Step 3: Next, you need to cut two pieces of cardboard about 15cm wide and long enough to cover the sides of your pinata shape.

Step 4: Once these are ready, start to tape them upright along the edge of your pinata shape with some tape. Continue until the whole shape is lined appart from a small gap at the top. Continue to make your pinata shape by taping the second oval piece of cardboard to close the pinata.

Step 5: Now, make a hole on each side of the gap you have left at the top of your pinata using a pair of scissors.

Step 6: Slip a long piece of string through the holes, you will use this string to hang up your pinata later so make sure that it is long enough!

Step 7: This is the fun part, fill your pinata with yummy sweets, treats and chocolates!

Step 8: Close up the gap leaving the string hanging on each side. Make sure that the whole shape is solid, you can keep adding tape along the edges until you feel that it is strong enough.

Step 9: Fold your black tissue paper and make 5cm strips then cut it 3/4  of the way to make a fringe.

Step 10: Apply glue to your pinata and glue a piece of your black tissue paper, make sure you start at the bottom.

Step 11: Keep going around the pinata to cover the whole of the cardboard with tissue.

Step 12: Cut out the Ricemon horns, eyes and teeth out of your printed template.

Step 13: Apply glue to the tabs on the horns and glue them to the top of the head. Then glue the eyes and teeth to finish off your Ricemon pinata!

We hope that you enjoyed making this Ricemon pinata. Let us know if you come up with any other Ricemonster pinata designs! Don’t forget to share your DIY projects with us by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook with @ilovenoodoll!