Download your free template here and follow the instructions below to make your own Ricemonster block game!

Step 1: For this DIY, you will need a glue stick, a pair of scissors and the two printed templates. We recommend using thick paper to print the templates out, we tried a set on regular paper, and it was not very sturdy!

Step 2: Carefully cut out your two templates using scissors or a craft knife. Make sure to cut around the tabs on the template as you will need these to glue the box together later!

Step 3: On each box, you need to cut along the dotted line using a craft knife. The line is on the bottom of the block where there is writing.

Step 4: Fold each part of the blocks along the edges to crease the paper and make it easier to put together.

Step 5: Now you can assemble the blocks by putting a bit of glue on each tabs.

Step 6: To close your block, simply slide the remaining, unglued side into the slot that you cut out earlier.

Now you can play with your Ricemonster blocks by making lots of fun monster combinations, or matching them to the right body. You can even give them a new name or use the template to design your own monster combinations.

We hope that you enjoyed this printable Ricemonster Block DIY. Let us know if you come up with any other great games you can play using this printable project or any new monster block designs! Don’t forget to share your DIY projects with us by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook with @ilovenoodoll!