Ricetache is an artistic type he likes painting and poetry, or anything to do with art! A serious art collector he is especially fond of cubist art. Download your free template here and follow the simple steps below to make your own cubist Ricetache. Step 1: To make this DIY project you will need; the template printed on white paper, a craft knife, a ruler, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick. Step 2: Cut out the template using scissors carefully following along the edges. Step 3: Using a craft knife score the paper along the lines on the template. You can use a ruler to make sure you make straight lines. Step 4: Fold all the different parts along the scores and fold in the white tabs that you will use to glue the printable together. Step 5: Apply glue to all the white tabs. Step 6: Glue your printable together! Why not try other designs and drawings using the same template?

We hope that you enjoyed making this DIY paper cubist Ricetache. Let us know if you come up with any other fun designs! Don’t forget to share your DIY projects with us by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook with #noodoll