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Hey! I’m Ricekating. I am currently training for the Noodoll-ympics in Ricetown Icy Park. It's the perfect place for a penguin to practice winter sports. If I keep practicing my balance on the ice I might win another gold medal.

Favourite thing: Ice skating
Dislike: Waddling
Can't live without: Winter Sports

Ricekating won a gold medal at the Winter Noodoll-ympics for their outstanding ice skating.

Ricekating is an expert at all types of skating, they are currently teaching Ricecube how to skate board.

They bring Ricemonsters on sleigh rides across the Ricetown Icy Park Lake to practice balancing on the ice.

Ricekating often wears cool snow-goggles that are so reflective other Ricemonster like to use them as a mirror!

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