First download this template and follow the steps below to make you own Noolex! Then read our tips on learning to tell time! Have fun and don't forget to turn back your clocks today!  

  • Print our your template on nice, white, thick paper.
  • Cut out all the different pieces on the paper.
  • Using some pins, attach all the two hands to the dial and the dial to the strap.
  • You can tie your new watch to your wrist with a little piece of tape!
  • Use your super stylish watch to practise telling the time.
  • There is a lot of complex information to pull together to tell the time, which you can build on over a long period so that the learning is fun. Here are some activities that can help:

  • Take notice of how the sky outside changes through the day and night.
  • Make a chart with pictures of activities you do at different times of the day.
  • Look at a real clock and learn to match your own watch to it.
  • Remember to keep it fun!