This week you can go on a creature spotting adventure in your garden or favourite park with Ricemon.

You can download your free template here and start your adventure with Ricemon!

You will need: the templates printed on white paper, some pens and colouring pencils and a garden or park!

Step 1: Go to your favourite garden or park.

Step 2: Match up each word with its illustration and colour in the different objects on the page if you like.

Step 3: Now you need to look for each object on the  page, once  you have found it, you can cross it off.

Fun tip: Once you are done spotting the creatures on your print-out, you can turn the page and draw more things that you like and see!

We love to see you have fun with our DIY projects, so please share your images with us by tagging them with #noodoll on Instagram or Facebook!