Download and print the template to make gift tags, cake toppers and decorate your birthday party! To make this fun activity, download the printable template here and print it on a nice white sheet of paper. Then follow the instructions below to make your very own paper tags with Riceouch and Riceoops! You can find out more about these cheeky cactus friends on their character page, the Ricetown Desert! Have fun!

  • You will need: the printed template on a sheet of white paper, a pair of scissors, some toothpicks, a hole puncher and tape!
  • Cut out each design on the page.
  • You can tape the monster designs on a toothpick to use as a cake topper.
  • You can also punch a hole on the sides of the templates or on the top to make some nice tags for a present.
  • Have fun and play around with the templates!
  • Meet Riceoops, the newest resident of Ricetown desert! Riceoops is a cheerful pink cactus, she is quite a calamity and always dropping things and making mistakes! Riceouch and Riceoops have become inseparable, they love to enjoy the hot sun of Ricetown desert and wear their favourite hats! Don't forget to sign up to this month's Win a Noodoll competition, you can enter for a chance to win your own Riceoops cactus plush toy! All you need to do is head to our Win a Noodoll page and fill in the form!